In addition to my design experience in undergrad, I also have decades of experience in art with various styles and techniques. I believe this creative side of my mind widens my view of a project and provides a different and unique perspective. Some examples of art I have created within the past few years with different media such as pastels, acrylic paint, and digital art follow below. Here is a mini art gallery of my work:
Figure 1. Cape May Lighthouse, 2020 acrylic on canvas
Figure 2. Cow, 2019 acrylic on canvas
Figure 3. Venice, Italy, 2020 acrylic on canvas paper
Figure 4. Old Man with Sea in Eye, 2018 oil pastels on paper
This project was from my senior year in high school with the prompt of "how are you feeling about the future?". I felt very old for graduating high school and in a few months living on my own hours away from home. I added the crashing waves in his eye to show how I saw my future as unpredictable, exciting, and a bit scary.
Figure 5. Moon, 2020 print copy but originally acrylic on wooden circle
Figure 6. Self Portrait, 2021 digital art